My first nomination for a blogging award!
For Real?

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It’s only barely less than a month since I publicized my blogs, but being nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award is such an honor. I never expected to have followers and this nomination.

Thank you is less than enough to thank LiveForAdventure! For this nomination.

Follow him and be inspired by his adventures as I did. His blogs are worth your time indeed.

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The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Share 7 facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers of your choice.
  4. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.

7 Facts about me…

  1. I am a travel-holic
  2. I am a dreamer
  3. I am a go-to person for any type of adventure
  4. I am a risk taker
  5. I prefer outdoor escapades than shopping
  6. My passion is to travel and share experiences with everyone verbally or literally
  7. I’m always thinking of where to head to next

10 Nominees

  1. Nhagzventures
  2. Laagsparkles
  3. TheSweetLifeOfMee
  4. Your Happy Life
  5. Living for Experiences
  6. The Shower of Blessings
  7. Viivi Severina
  8. Still a Runner
  10. Asa Ni Quen?


Thanks for reading!


P.S. My nominees were chosen because their blogs inspired me to share my thoughts to others. Keep going then bloggers. Now, it’s your turn to make someone’s day with a nomination.


  1. Congratulations and thank you for your nomination. As I have been nominated twice for this award. I would like to give this opportunity to other new bloggers. And sorry for my earlier comment which was posted before I could finished typing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award – My Personal Blog

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